Craft an impressive resume with helpful tips and powerful resume writing tools. Stand out in your job search today!
"How to Create a Standout Resume for Your Next Dream Job"Continue reading
Craft an impressive resume with helpful tips and powerful resume writing tools. Stand out in your job search today!
"How to Create a Standout Resume for Your Next Dream Job"Continue reading
I recently discussed with my friend, a hiring manager himself, the idea of having candidates take personality tests during the interview. He is a proponent and believes that it wouldn’t hurt as long as the employer assures candidates that the test results do not affect the hiring decision. I respectfully disagree. When talking about interviews,...
"2 Big Concerns of Conducting Personality Tests Pre and Post-Employment"Continue reading
You want a top performer on your team, but how do you find one during the interview? A study conducted by Indiana University in 2012 found that top performers deliver up to 400% higher productivity than average performers. This stat alone indicates the importance of having someone productive on the team. Top Performer vs. Top...
Have you recently had a video interview, or you have one scheduled in the next few days? With people started working remotely, the majority of companies are now conducting video interviews. In fact, video interview is efficient and effective for both the candidate and the interviewer. As a candidate, how to ace your video interview?...
"6 Tips for a Successful Video Interview"Continue reading
How should you prepare before an interview? You might say, “list all possible questions and prepare the answers.” It might work. But can you predict all the interview questions? I have seen people write down questions and answers word for word, then recite them. It looks funny to me. First of all, repeating those recited...
"6 Tips for Interview Preparation"Continue reading