Open post 4 Ways to Contact Recruiters for Job Openings

4 Ways to Contact Recruiters for Job Openings

No matter whether you are currently available in the market, I believe that most of us have deeply experienced how tedious it is to apply for jobs. When actively searching for opportunities, you may call yourself an “active candidate”, as you have been spending a lot of time to apply for positions. However, just because you spend time tailoring your resume, and countlessly hit “Submit”...

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Open post Job Agent – Future Business in Employment Market

Job Agent – A Future Business in the Employment Market

Think about this scenario: an employer’s HR is dialling the phone number stated on a candidate’s application to schedule an interview for a job opening. HR: Hello, is this Mr. Z? Other voice: May I know who is this? HR: This is HR from X Company. You recently applied for our position, and I’d like...

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Open post 6 Tips Help You Create an Effective Resume

6 Tips to Help You Create an Effective Resume

There is no absolutely perfect resume template. Everyone has their own formatting preference and elaboration emphasis. However, there are a few shared elements that you may want to keep in mind when creating your profile. These 6 tips can help you create an effective resume that will catch an employer’s eye. Tip #1: Don’t Put...

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Open post Recruitment Resolutions for 2018

Recruitment Resolutions for 2018

2017 is a big year for technology. Cloud Computing, AI, Big Data…The technology revolution has quickly influenced other industries, too. I have read some articles discussing HR and recruitment trends in 2018 —employee wellbeing, candidate experience, hiring process automation, etc. While forming our resolutions, adjusting our recruiting strategies to new technology and industry changes is...

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